Closure, Organic, and Bell Curves

Hello writers! The time since my last post has been long, and the days grow short. The sun is low in the sky–Why am I talking like Tonto?

“What you looking at? You think bird on head or something? Weirdo…”

Anyway, I try not to post unless I have something to say. That being said, I have something to say.

As writers, we constantly strive to understand the mechanics of storytelling. Each writer finds their own way in doing so, finds their own process and techniques for conveying the story they have to tell. Some writers like to outline every detail of their story, characters, and settings, down the the number of hairs on each character’s head. Some prefer to take up the pen or keyboard, armed only with an idea, concept, character, or image, and begin, taking the journey right alongside their characters. And, most people fall somewhere in between. Continue reading

Where I am now–update on my journey.

When I finally (after ten years of trying) received my degree, I was thrilled. And, deep down I still harbored the thought I could one day use my degree for its original intent, other than just decorating the wall of my library. But, living in rural West Virginia, opportunities are few. I started this blog with the intent of providing a kind of journal about my attempt to become a published author. So, here is what has happened thus far, just for the record’s sake.

Typically, I don’t write about personal items on this blog, as it is intended to be a guidebook of sorts. But, I’ve come into a couple of things that have really helped move me forward on the journey. The first thing happened long before I even thought of doing a blog. I went back to school to get my degree.

While a degree in literature or writing is certainly not a requirement for becoming a writer, the measure to which it helps is immense. Not only do you learn the basics of good writing, you also get feedback and exposure to people and opportunities difficult to access or find on one’s own. Continue reading